World is Not Enough, The (007) - Wrong End of the Pipe
When James Bond and the girl scientist (Christmas) are in the pipe trying to disarm the bomb, they jump off of their car thing and the bomb keeps going forward, but when the camera pans out and shows the blown up pipe, Bond and the girl come out of the left end, but if they jumped out and the bomb kept going forward, they should have been coming out of the right end. Oops!
Do you mean that because the map showed the trolley/bomb moving right to left, then the pipe should be seen from the same angle? The camera was just facing south from north. I can see your point though. The average movie-public needs things explained to them and most would see this as a mistake. 5.
You are right, I did figure that the shot could have been from another angle, but when you are watching the movie, it just seems wrong and you don't really expect them to change angles, but I think it still could be counted as a slip-up.
I think they did get this the wrong way round, because I noticed in one shot, just behind the place where they got out of the pipe, there is a kink to the right. But as you see them tumbling out of the carriage, you clearly see them rolling down a straight shaft.
I think the bigger slipup is that they jumped off at about 70mph but didn't even get friction burns on them or their clothes...
Interesting question though, how did the second car (The one with James and Christmas) get in front of the one with the nuke onboard. They open up a manhole to get on board the car, so it couldn't have been in front of the bomb car to begin with. There wasn't any interchange that can be seen near where they got in or during the disarmenent procedure.
What are you on about MiG-15? They were in front of the bomb car, I was wondering how they got there. They open the manhole to get on the second car, that means that the second car wasn't in the main pipeline in the first place (the second car couldn't come from behind it either). That must mean that there is a junction somewhere where the inspection pipe with the second car joins up with the main pipeline, thing is that this junction isn't shown on the outside of the pipe or in any of the inside shots.