In the episode where Piccolo reveals that he hasn't been infected by the black water mist he puts his hands on his neck and heals the biting marks that were on his neck... Piccolo never had any healing powers!!
Actually, this isn't a slip-up. First of all, Healers can't heal themselves, so Piccolo couldn't possibly have Namekian healing powers. Second of all, Piccolo just squeezed out the venom and regenerated the holes. I mean, the guy can make an entire arm grow back. Do you think he'd have trouble with a few itty bitty holes?
I wish someone would get it right for once. Does anyone remember the episode where the android (The one that looked old and had a glass head) used some sort of computer to assess his victims? Well, if you have it on tape or something, GO LOOK!!! It is clearly shown that the green guy's name is PICCORO not Piccolo. Is there anyone out there that knows this??? It may just be a slip-up in itself, because the characters always pronounce it "Piccolo" but it really does bother me. SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME THE TRUTH!!!!!
I haven't seen the android saga yet. That is because I'm from Holland and the last episode that was shown here was Goku's Ordeal. I sincerely hope that the android saga will be shown in Holland.
Maybe PICCORO was the Japanese name for Piccolo.
Actually Scarred, you're half right. His name actually is Piccolo (seeing that Akira Toriyama stated that himself), but if you translate the Japanese Kanji literally it would spell "Pikkoro". For some reason FUNi mixed up both names and made Piccoro out of it.
yeah, a lot of the characters have different names in the Japanese version that show up in the English. Like 'Krillions' name 'Kulion' (or something like that, can't remember the spelling) being on his cap.
His cap said Kulilin if I'm not mistaking. I believe the some of Japanese names (translated litteraly from the Japanse Kanji and Katakana) are:
FUNI's names - Original Japanese names
Goku - Son Gokou
Gohan - Son Gohan
Piccolo - Pikkoro (sometimes Daimaou or Junyia behind it)
Vegeta - Bejita
Bulma - Buruma
Hercule - Mr. Satan (No really! That's his name!)
Boo - Buu
Cell - Seru
Chao-Su - Chiaotzu
Piccolo CAN use healing powers. Why? Remember that he fused with Nail? Nail was the strongest Namek and had complete training; He's fighter & healer. There's proof!: When we saw Nail fight with Frieza, Frieza ripped Nail's arm off(backscratcher) and Nail could easily grow it back on.
Sega-Guy sez:
Piccolo CAN use healing powers. Why? Remember that he fused with Nail? Nail was the strongest Namek and had complete training; He's fighter & healer. There's proof!: When we saw Nail fight with Frieza, Frieza ripped Nail's arm off(backscratcher) and Nail could easily grow it back on.
It never said anywhere that Nail was both a Fighter and a Healer. That's complete Bull Poodoo. Nail was a Warrior (not just a Fighter mind you, Nail was trained in the Ancient Ways from a time long ago when the Namek-Seijin still had an army to defend themselves. BTW the warriors from that time were about as strong as Nail, they could have kicked those stupid baboons that are also known as Saiya-Jins' butts), that's what Sacheeru (Guru) meant with "his training is complete". Any Namek-Seijin can learn the ability to regrow limbs and other vital body parts as long as their head remains intact. Piccolo regenerated his arm in the 23 Budokai, as well as after Raditsu was killed. He wasn't fused with Nail at that time. So Piccolo doesn't have healing powers like Dende, he just knows regeneration.
All Nameks can regenerate arms Sega-guy. It's like a sixth sense. Even Piccolo did that when he and Goku fought Radditz. I'd bet even Dende can do it. I'm a DBZ-veteran so I know what I'm talking about.
I do agree. Piccolo, or Piccoro (his FUNIMATION name) does NOT have the ability to heal, he just knows how to regenerate. Almost every namek knows how do this, I think. It is in their blood. And, yes, Piccolo's name is Piccoro, Tien's is Tienshinhan, Yamcha's is Yamucha, and Krillin's is Kirurin. These are the actual translated names, but they were slightly modified for easy understanding. Actually, when Piccolo fuses with Nail, he is actually known as Piccolo-Daimoah, but they don't call him that. They just call him Piccolo. Dende is the only known Namek other than Guru, who I think has this ability to heal another being. Nail never supports the theory that he can heal. If he could, he would have when he fought Freiza, or Freeza, whichever.
Nononono. After DBZ's Piccolo fused with Nail, he's still called Piccolo. Piccolo Daimaou was DBZ Piccolo's "father". Gokou killed him in Dragonball, so he spat out an egg containing the DBZ Piccolo. "Daimaou" means something along the lines of "Demon King" or "Arch Demon", because that's what Piccolo Daimaou was; The Demon King. And no, he wasn't called Piccolo Daimaou after his fusion with Kami-Sama either.
it's kuririn not kurilin or krillan it might not sound right but it is and I have another slip-up in the episodes were trunks says about the androids and how one of them crushed gero's head well it shows a shadow of an android but none of the androids look like that and its not #16!!!
In response to the whole names thing, in Japanese there are no seperate R and L letters. The letter that is written most of the time as R in japanese is actually five letters: RA, RI, RU, RE, RO. In Japanese, letters are a full syllable each, either just a vowel, or a consonant and a vowel, or N, which does get said as its own syllable. So, when they say his name is PICCORO in that scene, it is just a minor translation thing, translating characters to a not-comepletely-compatible new character set, from PI TSU KO RO. Although I am just trying to learn, if any of you want to know more you're welcome to ask.
I would like to clarify a few things. First, Piccolo could easily heal the wounds on his neck. Think about this logically. He can regenerate limbs. All he has to do for his neck is regenerate a little bit of skin. Enough about that. About the names, keep in mind there are two versions of every dragonball z episode. There is the funimation episode and the original Japanese episode. English and Japanese are two very different languages. "L's" and "R's" don't translate very well from Japanese to English. If you listen to the original Japanese voices, you can hear that many "L's" and "R's" are similar in sound. When funimation translated the names to English, they did it phonetically. When Buruma is pronounced in Japanese, it sounds like Bulma. When Piccoro is pronounced, it sounds like Piccolo. You can do this for all the characters. Tenshinhan would be too difficult to pronounce in English, so it was shortened to Tien. In the Android saga, all of the English names that appear in Dr. Gero's screen appear just as they do in the original Japanese versions. This has nothing to do with funimation. The basic premise is that English is a letler based language and Japanese is a symbol based language. It is impossible to get everything to translate perfectly.
**On an added note, the original Japanese action figure made by Bandai for Piccolo(vol 3) is Piccolo-Daimaoh.