In once scene, Steven Segal and the lead female character ride on a snowmobile from Prudhoe Bay to Juneau, IN ONE DAY. Anyone who knows the geography of Alaska knows this is impossible.
Actually, I am from Juneau and that is not where they were heading on the snow-machine. The oil rig that Steve-o went to go blow up was somewhere in south central Alaska - presumably near the terminus of the pipeline. However, you still make a good point about the impossibility of their little day trip. By comparison, if Steve and his little lady were to make the same trip on a snow-machine in the lower 48, it would be like going from northern Minnesota to southern New Mexico or Texas in a single day.
BTW: When Stevie was inside the oil rig at the end, did you notice how he used a 1 liter coke bottle as a silencer for his gun? What the hell was a random coke bottle doing just sitting outside this boiler room??? There was no other trash around - then why just the coke bottle. How convenient....