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Home Alone 2 - Miscalculated Bill
Near the very end of the movie, when Cedrick gives Buzz the bill that Kevin spent money on room service, It shows the paper, and all those numbers added up to more that $967, which is the number that his dad yelled out at Kevin.
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Special Requirements: TV VRC
Contributed By: Ancient_Klown on 11-15-1999 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Brendon writes:
Forgive me if Im wrong (cos i havent seen this film in a-g-e-s) but doesnt the dad yell "You spent $967 on room service?!"? room service isnt the only thing he would have to pay for at the hotel. so maybe the dad was just pointing out the room service cost, not the actual total of what he spent?
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Sarah writes:
why would Buzz, his brother yell at him for spending money...what would he care! buzz obviously showed it to that dad to get Kevin in trouble for spending all that money!
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Meggie writes:
I just watched the movie and the total is shown on the bill as $967 dollars and some odd cents. So obviously the things on the bill did add up to $967 dollars.
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GOD!™ writes:
What an evil set of parents. They leave their vulnerable 8-9 year old child at home then in an airport, what does $967 dollars matter over your childs wellfare. (Sarcasm)
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Mindy Doll writes:
Buzz yelled at Kevin??? The dad yelled, and it was the amount on the bill. So THIS IS NOT A SLIPUP.
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MeowMix writes:
OK, Buzz didn't yell out the total, it was the dad.
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LilPinkPunk writes:
OK, lets get this straight. The total (on the bill) was $967.43, I've seen this movie millions of times, I know, I can recite pretty much the entire movie. Let's think about this now. OK, you're mad at your child for running up a very large bill, ok, are you going to shout, "KEVIN, YOU SPENT NINE HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN DOLLARS... oh, and fourty three cent, ON ROOM SERVICE?!" No, of course not, its just a matter of expressing how angry he was. however, I do believe that what the original comment was referring to is, that if you added all those numbers up on the bill, they'd well exceed $967 (and 43 cents).
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insano(Bum) writes:
He probably yelled it out at kevin because he was mad at him for spending his dad's money.
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Bubble writes:
OK we all know Kevin's dad yelled at Kevin. No one ever said that Buzz did so why are you arguing about that.
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