In the episode where Jack breaks his arm playing football, the "broken" arm switches halfway through the show! First his left arm is broken, but then at the party he is talking to Dawson and standing on the right side of him, and his right arm is broken so he can hold the drink with his left hand. Later on in the show, the broken arm switches back!
Actually, this slip up does happen. I have seen this episode 3 times. Even my husband noticed it. They even mention it on the Dawson Creek web site, under the section Logic Leaps. Here is what they had to say about it:
For all of you that noticed Jack's arm and pointed it out to us, you are RIGHT! Jack's sling miraculously switched arms. That was definitely not intentional. I could try to justify it (maybe saying Jack had a rotator cuff injury -- get it... It rotated to his other arm...LOL!) but it was a mistake. For all of you that noticed, good eye! We can always count on our fans to keep us on our toes!"
Actually.. it does happen, and the writers of the show admit it. go to, and there is a section which shows all sorts of goofs and "logic leaps"....
I get the Dawson's Creek newsletter every week, and they explained this in the letter. Although i don't really know exactly what they said, somehow after they filmed the scene, they had to play the film like on the opposite side or something to make it fit when they went into another when they switched the film, everything was backwards...making his broken arm on the wrong side.
It does happen..but it wasn't actually the wrong arm. In the Dawson's Creek newsletter, the mentioned that it was an editing problem. The film was they actually did have the sling on the right arm. ;)