In the scene where Neo goes to see the oracle. The oracle hands Neo a cookie fresh out of the oven at the beginning of the scene. At the end of the scene, Neo takes a bite out of the cookie and you hear a distinct crunch. I don't remember the last time I bit into a cookie fresh out of the oven and it went crunch...unless it was burnt of course. have OBVIOUSLY never had my gramma's oatmeal cookies fresh outta the need a hammer and chisel to eat them. Some people just like them that way.
Actually, what gets me about that scene more than the cookie itself, is when the Oracle tells Neo he will feel better. She first tells him (I think, I may have the wrong order, but the idea is the same) that "As soon as you walk out that door you will be feeling better. After she gives him the cookie though she tells him "After you finish that cookie, you will feel right as rain." So which is it? Eat the cookie feel good or walk out the door feel good? What if he stands in the room and eats the cookie, will he feel better? Or what if he walks out the door but doesn't eat the cookie? What the hell is up with the cookie anyway? I see no relevance for the cookie at all.
There are five minutes on screen between the time the cookie comes out of the oven and the time he bites it, and possibly more off screen; in addition, some kinds of cookies are crunchy as they come out of the oven.
Maybe the cookie was baked with Rice Krispies in it (I've had these really good ones that were made with cake mix, chocolate chips, and Rice Krispies, to name a few ingredients).