In the song "Im on the road to Viridian City" Watch closely, you see a Ash holding the coral eye badge. The episode i saw this on was shown before the Orange Island episodes.
Reason: in Japan the Orange Island episodes were already on. They forgot it hasnt came on in america yet. ( They have now but when i saw this the didnt)
I wouldn't exactly call this a slipup. Maybe a triviastic fact. But that isn't the only place this shows up ya know. Like in the theme song for the first season, there are various scenes from episodes that had not been shown yet (like Ash getting shocked by the Magnemite, which wasn't even from that season. It was from the epsiode "Pikachu Re-volts" which was at least a year off.)
Yeah, but the PokéMon animation team are all cheap-skates. They didn't want to have to create too many new scenes for the title music. All they wanted was to get rich quick! Why else would they create those cards(which are the wrath of God)?
Yeah they showed episodes WAY before they even dubbed them,
This doesn't make the animators cheap-skates though!
First of all, The PokéRAP is made by the Americans and has nothing to do with the real animators, who are the Japanese
And the Americans aren't Animating the episodes they are just dubbing and re-painting them, so they use pictures from other episodes
The American PokéRap team and Pikachu's juke box squad just wanted us to get a sneak peak at up-coming events. Did anyone else notice that scene where Bulbasaur and Pikachu are sliding on an ice block down a hill with Ash in that "music video"? That was also in the Orange Island episodes, and so were a lot of other scenes. Hey, it was a nice beat, why ruin the song with old recycled footage of Ash doing something like catching Caterpie and jumping around like some crazed idiot!