In the Digimon episode "The Piximon Cometh", after Izzy and Matt leave to get their crests, Tentomon asks where they went, but he called Piximon "Pikamon".
Have they been watching too much Pokemon? Piximon has no relation to Pikachu anyway, but how could they slip-up like this?
And yes, they HAVE been watching too much Pokemon. How else do they get the idea for it? It's still good, but it often makes obvious references to Pokemon. Piximon will probably be like Pikachu in one way or another. Keep looking out for those red cheeks, or yellow fur... you'll find it somewhere. (@_k)
I can't agree with some of these comparisons. Mainly because of radical difference.
Patamon/Wigglytuff-Patamon has wings for ears and walks on four legs.
Birdramon/Moltres-They're both red birds. Moltres is flying fire.
Tentomon/Kabuto-Tentomon is a beetle. Kabuto looks like a horseshoe crab.
Gabumon/Growlithe-Gabumon is blue and a walking fur coat. He also walks on two legs.
Kabuterimon/Scyther-Kuwagamon looks more like Scyther than Kabuterimon(beetle)
Gatomon/Meowth-They are both talking cats. Does that throw in Heathcliff?
Hey, I look like Tai. Can I sue?
All similarities they share are only one characteristic. Not much to say they are a rip off. That's my 2 cents.
I suppose...but what about the similarities between Poke-mon and Digimon overall? Both Japanese animations, both about humans making friends with little critters, both have the little critters evolving, both have the critters battling, both have at least one kid with weird hair...the list is endless. But one difference is that Digimon rules, Poke-mon sucks. Digimon belongs on TV, Pokemon belongs in a sewer. But, yeah, some of the similarities ARE a bit farfetched. Which looks a bit like Biyomon.
@sskicker, when you talked about the similarities, i completely agree. Both Pokemon and Digimon are so much alike! Although, when you said Nintendo should sue Bandai... Digimon came before Pokemon. It's just that it wasn't as popular as Pokemon when it came out. i first heard about it in 1996 or something like that as a gigapet toy. So therefore, if Bandai wanted to, they could sue Nintendo (although i hope that never happens, because I am a fan of Pokemon ;) )