Dvorak, John - Good Thing Microsoft Didn't Hire John Dvorak
Quote made in 1990 by John Dvorak, computer columnist for MacUser, MacWeek, and PC Magazine:
"I think Windows 3.0 will get a lot of attention; people will check it out, and before long they'll all drift back to raw DOS. Once in a while they'll boot Windows for some specific purpose, but many will put it in the closet with the Commodore 64."
Actually, a lot of people DID drift back into plain DOS after trying Windows 3.0 . I know I never really used Windows till Win95 came out and killed all hope of getting new DOS programs.
He was right. A lot of people didn't like Windows 3.0. They still used DOS quite a bit, more then Windows 3.0. After Windows 95 came out, people started using it more then DOS.