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Pokemon: The First Movie - All Water?
Watch the part of the movie at the beginning, where all of the trainers are at the dock and Officer Jenny and Miranda are explaining the situation. Fergus says, "All my Pokémon are water type!" That's not true. He has a Nidoqueen, which I believe is half Ground and half Ice.
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Special Requirements: The film Mewtwo Strikes Back and good hearing
Contributed By: PokéMaster 2000 on 08-31-2000 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Mars Guo writes:
OK, minor slip up, if it can even be called one. First of all, I taught my Nidoqueen, Michelle, surf. It can learn ANYTHING I tell ya... =) Secondly, a chunky kid like that probably doesn't want to waste time on a boring ol' police officer dressed like a meter maid so he generalized a bit. Third, Ground and Ice? Where the heck did you get that idea? Nidoqueen is Ground and Poison. Nidor is the latin word for stench and plague. Nidoqueen is a poison rat, so it was aptly named, huh?
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Gungan Din writes:
Ground and POISON, Master.
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Unknown writes:
You don't believe right. Nidoqueen is ground and poison...why do you call yourself 'Pokémaster?' What is correct is that the lady is dressed like she's just came from 1313 in a time machine, and she is a liar. Don't forget TR braved the storm. She said anyone who braved the storm would become pokémon masters. Correction: She said it more like porAmoon machhests.
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Gungan Din writes:
Ground and Ice, eh? He had a Quagsire? ;?D
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Gungan Din writes:
Well, they did brave the storm, but they weren't Team Rocket, they were Team Odin! So, they are Pokemon Masters so long as they are Vikings and Meowth is a Valkyrie. Lol.
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@ssKicker writes:
He's a bit stupid then. Poison and Ground are crap against Psychic. And I think Water PokéMon are evenly matched, but would have to be on a higher level than Mew-Two. None of the trainers had any hope of beating Mew-Two! But it figures- none of them did beat Mew-Two.
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@ssKicker writes:
And the reason why anyone would ever WANT to be PokéMon Masters completely escapes me.
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Duo God of Death writes:
You have to remember they thought Mewtwo was going to be a person and not a Pokémon, so they had no idea what they were up against. And a Quagsire is Ground and Water, no ice in there.
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GARRETT writes:
keep in mind he also calls his piggot a piggoto. i think are little friend is not exactly a masterball when it comes to smarts
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