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Matrix, The - A Note for Helicopter Freaks
Towards the end of the government roof scene, Trinity asks Tank to run the training program for a B-212 helicopter. Watch closely the next scene where Tank loads the program, you will see it is a training program for a B-206 Helicopter.
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Special Requirements: the matrix, a vcr, good eyes
Contributed By: The Prophecy on 08-20-2000 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Flyboy87 writes:
The B-212 was Bell Helicopters' company designation for the helicopter. UH-1 was simply the designation from the military. The two helicopters are the same.
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Sammo writes:
Maybe the programes are compatible?
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The Prophecy writes:
Sorry if I didn't make myself clear, but the program Tank runs is for a B212 helicopter (it says B212 in big letter) but the picture on the loading screen is of a B206.
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Banshee writes:
The real kicker is I believe the actual helicopter is a UH-1 Iroquis Or better know as the Vietnam era Huey.
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Banshee writes:
Oppa...Bell 212 and the UH-1 are different. Although probably variations on the same design...sorry.
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dragon writes:
I believe the directors (Larry and Andy) did comment on this in their book 'The Art of the Matrix'. You can read parts of it online at
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Siege writes:
Flyboy is right. UH is the military designation for Utility Helo. Similarly AH is the designation for Attack Helo and CH for Cargo Helo.
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TheBoredKing writes:
Are you sure that Tank loaded the wrong program(B206)? cause I've seen him loading the program Trinity asked for: B212
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Neo writes:
"B-212" is only one sign for the forthcoming Reload of the matrix. ("A-101") ;-)
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nosnoozenwz writes:
Or... how about B12 or B6... all of these things are happening in the mind through out the matrix, except when they are in Zion... Vitamins ..essential nutrients... they speak of this right after they pull NEO out of the Matrix... it is out there, but what if, this is so very important for energy, stamina, and focus?
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