Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope - Where's the Other?
Go to the part where C3PO and R2D2 jettison out of the ship (at the beginning). It shows two men in a little room, and out the window you can see the pod. One of the guys says, "There goes another one!" talking about the pod. Yet when the commander is giving Lord Vader the information, he says, "An escape pod was jettisoned." thus indicating only one pod.
I think what the officer meant was, beside the escape pods they shot down, an empty one was let by. Wonder what happened to those gunners.... (>GGGGGGGK< .... >THUD<)
I can see how this seems wrong. I once read the book, in the book there were at least two escape pods that the Imperials noticed, at least that's what I remember, it was long ago. Anyway, they did shoot the first one down but the second contained the droids. The officer said something like "no life-form readings? Well then don't bother wasting the power shooting it down" or something of that sort. The officer (in the movie) that reported to Vader on Leia's ship did say "an escape pod" suggesting one. However he points out that there were no life-forms aboard. This sounds to me like he singled that particular pod out of others. It's in the way that he said it. Perhaps if he had said it differently, it would have avoided confusion. For example, "During the fighting, one of the escape pods was jettisoned with no life-forms aboard". But he didn't. Hope this makes sense.
Why when in the escape pd, 3p0 and R2 are looking at the under belly of the ship? when the pod launches, theirs just thrusters, no place for a view port? Is this another slip up?
In Revenge of the Sith, the view is where it should be, grievous looks wheres hes going, towards a trade federation cruiser.