In case you don't memorize the title names, this is the ep. where Dwaine picks up the kids and gives them a ride.
1) Dwaine picks up the kids. Blah-dee-blah...
2) A minute or so later, when they are driving on a bridge, Koromon poops (excuse my crude terminology) on the seat, and everyone jumps out of the car.
3) Dwaine yells at Joe, thinking it was him, and Izzy jumps in the way.
4) Dwaine, angry, pushes Izzy out of the way, and off the bridge.
5) Then Tentomon tries to pull Izzy back up, saying, "You shouldn't have had those extra chili fries!", or something like that.
SLIPUP) But Izzy and Joe were the ones who missed out on the meal in the first place.
EXCUSE) Bad dubbing is all it is. Saban should be more careful.