Imodium AD Commercial - Radio "Call-in" Inconsistancy
In the Imodium AD commercial with the "call-in" radio host who runs to the restroom while a caller is talking, listen carefully to what the caller says. He starts out a series of babblings by saying he has a problem with his girlfriend. When the host comes back, the caller asks the question, "So do you think it was okay for me to invite my mom on my honeymoon?"
Thats more than obvious,i think everyone knows that. Especially since they play it over a bahzillion times and when you get bored of it you listen to it harder. so this is truly not a good slipup.
He's probably having problems with the "current" girlfriend. After inviting his mother on the honeymoon, he was promptly divorced by the first wife, leading to the new girl in his life. We missed that part, though, while the DJ was in the bathroom....:P
Jinx, I think this was a pretty good slip-up. I hadn't noticed it and have seen it a lot of times. I don't think it's that obvious. Of course, I try not to pay too much attention to diarrhea commercials.
I don't think this is a slipup at all. He just said he "invited" his mom on the honeymoon, not that he "took" his mom on the honeymoon. It's likely that the honeymoon hasn't happened yet, and he and his girlfriend haven't gotten married yet, making her still his girlfriend and not yet his wife.