The morning after the Germania battle Maximus walks among his troops, and walks up to a horse to pet its nose. In between the horse and Maximus, you see a person backing out of the shot wearing a black shirt and blue pants (bluejeans), and I think a cell phone or radio on their hip. A crew member in the wrong place?
I apologise, i found it at 21:00 into the movie, or thereabouts. I couldnt see the cap though, as for the cellphone, and the jeans? hahaha very well spotted!
Hehe - its funny what you miss. I must have seen Gladiator about 10 times (yeah, I thought it was a good film) and I never noticed that - but now checking out on the DVD, its pretty noticable :)
Thank you so much for leaving comments. I noticed it the first time I saw the film, and then had to go back to make sure. I think it caught my eye because of the walking backwards--the legs moving backwards within the shot. I have not been able to see the DVD yet, so I am glad closer viewing reveals the incident!!
I just checked this one out it is actually at almost 22:00 minutes exactly on the dvd. I didn't see anything on his hip like a phone, but you can see a figure walking backwards with jeans and a dark jacket.
Extremely well spotted! The man in jeans appears for only one second (21:08 on my DVD). Indeed he seems to have something hanging from his belt. Could be a mobile telephone.
There is no doubt a slip up here. Also, you can see the member before Maximus actually gets to the horse, between the horse and its keeper in the background. This siting, as I said is only a split second before you get t see a better one, and the shot itself is only split second. To really see it, a dvd player with a good slow-mo is perfect
I haven't seen it yet, but that does sound funny. I've seen film makers at work before and my brother works for movies, too. I believe that black thing you would see on the guy would be sort of like a radio. My brother used to use one of those when working on the set for Blessed Art Thou. It's so you can listen to what the actors are saying despite all the noise and stuff going on.
WHOA! Very well spotted!! It took me a few times to find him but I did. Most of the slip-ups posted for Gladiator are not really slip-ups, but this one definitely is! Good job!! :)
That scene was filmed in Farnham Surrey (UK) and they had a tight schedule. I know a guy who was an extra in the film (a barbarian) and he says they missed loads of stuff in that scene but since it was really chaotic noone would notice. Guesss you guys did! They also had few takes since they actually DID burn a forest down to film it (see liner notes, DVD)