In the second scene in the movie, the one that starts off "I am Gunnery Sargeant Hartman your senior drill instructor", notice that as Sgt Hartman first passes Joker and Cowboy, Private Pyle is 3 privates to the RIGHT of Joker. However, when Sgt Hartman comes back to Joker and Cowboy to harass them, Private Pyle is 2 privates to the left of COWBOY.
Stanley Kubrick was a master of detail (he once knew, after a lunch break, that the set lights were not up to full power when everyone else on the crew thought the lights were up to full power. The crew tested the lights, and sure enough they were low, BUT ONLY 1/4 OF AN F-STOP). It is unlikely that this would slip past him. Perhaps there is some meaning here, that there are "Pyle-types" everywhere among us. After all, Mother Animal in the second half bears a too-similar-to-be-coincidental resemblance to Pyle. Plus the whole "duality of man, a Jungian thing" theme is to arise later, and this could be Kubrick's way to establish this. Kubrick films are not to be taken litterally. Maybe it is a slip-up though, I don't know it is late...