When Ace is driving his car and the men in the truck in front of him are tring to shoot him in the face, Ace catches a bullet in his teeth, look at the bullet, the shell and slug are caught in his teeth!
First of all, don't insult the story line of this movie, because this is a GREAT movie! INGENIUS! Second of all he said the SLUG an SHELL were caught in his teeth, he obviously knows a bit more about guns than you do.
actually miranda's right. I've been around guns my whole life, and when you fire a gun, the shell drops near the gunman/woman, or it stays inside the barrel depending on what kind of gun it is. it never travels with the bullet or bb's (shot gun shells) though. it's always the stuff inside the shell that travels, never the stuff outside. my guess is they took a bullet out of a box, and placed it in his teeth.
I think the reason it was both a bullet and a slug was because to get just a bullet you have to fire it from a gun and I guess no one on the movie's crew wanted to fire a gun off. They probably figured it wasn't important in the grand scheme of the movie. It IS a slip-up though.
What He meant was, the slug and the shell are intact after firing... when a bullet is fired, it sends the slug (the front part) out of the shell (the emtpy casing left over) so, if that bullet was actually fired, then he would only catch part of it in his teeth.
I just watched the movie last night and paid attention to that scene since I read this. It actually is only the bullet he catches, not bullet and shell.
That show is 100% Slip up proof. There is nothing wrong where Ace has the bullet casing in his mouth. Like those two women said, the casing falls downward and not with the bullet. Good job ladies.
I think it's done so that you can see him catch it in his teeth.
It's easier to see the whole bullet, rather than a small part of it.
I don't think it counts as a slip up if it's intentional...