In the scene where Ed Harris is trying to revive his ex-wife after she drowned, he becomes emotional and slaps her a couple of times. Watch the her face as he slaps her; she blinks, but it's very fast, yet she is still not revived at this point.
Reflex actions only occur in those people who are ALIVE. Since Mary Elizabeth Mastrontonio's character was dead in this scene, she could not have blinked, reflexes or not.
Lindsey was not dead. She went into what she described earlier as "acute hypothermia" Her body functions slowed down, but did not stop. So slow that the ekg would not pick up a heartbeat, but after being zapped, slapped and given mouth to mouth it is clear her body was beginning to recover. A blink at that stage is not unusual.
Sorry, you're all wrong.
A) she was Dead from inhaling water.
Her heart had stopped.
an EKG is sensative enough to detect faint beats.
B) she was betting on the hypothermia buying her some time so that she could be taken back to the rig and revived without threat of brain damage.
C) Yes, a blink is a reflex action, but one that requires a person to be 100% ALIVE.