The smart guy T.J. is going to buy a soda which he thinks is 80 cents, but it doesn't accept his money. Then someone tells him they raised the price to 1.10,a .30 cent raise. So later that same day T.J. tells his dad they had raised the prices .37 cents,but what happened to the .30 cent raise. I dont think they raised the price 7 more cents before he got home and also I have never heard of a soda costing 1.17. Soda machines don't accept pennies so somebody forgot the original price increase. Also take a look at the metal rectangle bar thing below the money slot every time they go and get a soda that thing is turned open, but why? That means they must have taken money out of it, but not every day so they must have been doing something to the machine for the show or props cause it should have been locked and turned back.