This is during the epiosode where Marcel (Ross' monkey) insists on playing the "In the Jungle" song over and over, and the girls challenged the guys to a poker match. When Marcel is playing the song he is kinda dancing, and you can see the trainer's reflection in the t.v. holding something in his hand to make him dance.
Well if u think about, if the trainer is holding up somehing to the monkey dance it is not realla slip up! Come on do u expect a monkey to just dance? I mean they could have done a better editing job but it is not really a slipup!
gabster...the crew didn't INTEND for the viewer to be able to see the trainer. Therefore, it IS a slip-up. Yes, there is a REASON for it as you pointed out, in fact there usually IS a reason for why a slip-up happened, but it's still a mistake.
And just to let you know the trainer is probably doing the same thing over and over again because I read in an interview with a producer (I think it was but I'm not sure), the producer said they just looped the tape so the monkey would keep dancing. firends is my absolute favorite show no one knows it better. I saw every single episode at least 20 times. I even have this particular episode on tape and looked specifically for the trainer and you can barely see the tv nevermind a trainer. im positive there is no trainer....someone wants attention