Terminator 2: Judgement Day - Knives, Stabing Weapons Utility Belts
When Bubbleman(my word for T-1000) mimics Jenille and stabs Todd, he then looks at his arm. He then morphs into the Police officer again. Now watch his waist. A full utility belt full of MECHANICAL Parts forms too. Excuse me, didn't T-800 say that he CAN'T mimic something with moving parts?
A fake belt to look realistic as a cop? Or maybe the belt was concealed within his form, and he then "pushed" it out again when he went back to cop form?
Think back to when you were a 5 year old, playing with toys. When I was 4 or 5, I dressed like a fireman and a cop with a fake plastic belt. Did that have complicated mechanical parts? NO, it was a mock-up thing, but it looked kinda real! It had a holster, a place to hang a badge(badge was stuck-on, it still looked real), a pocket I put fake tools in(I think it was for mace or a notebook in real life). The point? It doesnt have to look real to be the real thing dummy!
'It doesn't have to look real to be the real thing'? I guess you meant it the other way around: It doesn't have to be real to look like the real thing...
And yes, T-1000 can look like anything (while keeping th same mass, that is) even if it (he? no...) can't work as anything.