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Lion King, The - Mufasa the Ventriloquist (INCORRECT SLIP-UP)
Go to the part just before Scar kills Mufasa. When Mufasa asks Scar to help him, he says "Brother" twice, but his mouth only moves once. The first time isn't very noticeable. In fact, it might just be a goof-up on my copy, but you never know.
EDITOR'S NOTE: After receiving countless emails, multiple Editors have personally reviewed this slip-up. Our conclusion is that this slip-up is false. If you watch this scene with the captions turned on, you will be able to see it for yourself.
Due to the vast number of comments, this FALSE slip-up will not be deleted.
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Contributed By: TheRockSez on 05-26-2000 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Emeryl Tekutsu writes:
I can't believe no one has even thought of this before. Hasn't anyone else ever lost their place when reading before? It would make perfect sense if he lost his place and someone whispered 'Brother' to him to help him find it again. Ne, this has always driven me crazy. I used to wonder if it was supposed to be a grunt or something, but it really sounds like brother!
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Scarzilla writes:
I've noticed it too!! It drives me nuts! At least now I know I'm not the only one who's heard it. It sounds like he starts to say his line before he was ready to or something.
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Jimbob writes:
I'm so glad that other people agree that there is "brother" twice in that scene, I thought that it was just for emphasis on the slipping and the whole Scar being his brother thing but now that I think about it is a total Slip-up!
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Phat Pat writes:
Actually, he doesn't say brother twice, James Earl Jones had forgotten his line and someone was wispering to him what he was supposed to say, If You Smell What The Rock Is Cookin'.
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JEZ writes:
No, I heard it too, and I thought it was just another sound (maybe Mufasa slipping on the cliff). Then I read that it was possibly James Earl Jones (Mufasa's voice) forgetting his lines, and the 1st "Brother" we hear is someone whispering his lines to him.
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CuteMew writes:
yeah, I agree with Jez. I was sorta confused when i heard the first brother, but i just assumed it was either that i had hearing problems, or "brother" is what it sounds like when you scratch your claws on the cliff. I actually watched that part over and over and i remained baffled. now that i think about it though, it *did* sound like someone was whispering that to mufasa...
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Anna writes:
Six years, and nobody caught that.
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Cheki-chee writes:
After reading this I went and watched the film and it really does sound like someone whispering "Brother" and also has anyone noticed that in the same scene after Scar says "Long live the king" someone whispers "now" then Mufasa is thrown off the cliff. It could be me hearing things but I played it over and over again and I'm sure I can hear it.
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Moon_Unit writes:
Um...I could be a tad confused, but when the actors are recording their voices for an animated movie like this, don't they usually just *read* their lines? Why on earth would Jones have "forgotten" his line if the script was right in front of him? I could be wrong...heaven knows how many animated movies I've made...
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naDah writes:
when the actors record their voices the *do* act, just to get the right feel for the lines, the do it here Sweden when dubbing (is it called dubbing when you re-record the lines in another language?) it to swedish...
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SunScout2000 writes:
The first 'brother' sounds really evil too. How can James Earl Jones forget his lines? He had them in front of them. As for the 'now' bit, maybe Scar had some kind of satanic soul inside him that was giving him commands :-) Just a thought.
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TF writes:
First of all, they do have the lines in front of them. Second, why would somebody say "now", when it is animated, and nobody throws anybody off any cliff in real life? Third, what does the rock have to do with anything? He's a wrestler.
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PrincessAmanda writes:
Thats a good idea that maybe he forgot his line except for 2 things...he has his lines in front of him AND when they do an animation film, they record the lines first and then they draw to the sound so if the sound was noticeable, they would have drawn his mouth to move
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DisneyParafanalia writes:
Ok...........if you listen real hard, it's not Mufasa saying it twice. He says it the second time, but the first "Brother!" sounds more like Scar, you know? Listen, you'll hear it!
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amber writes:
Maybe I'm looking at the wrong part, because to me it's seems plain and clear that the first "brother" is not a word at all but a grunt of effort. Mufasa says it as he slides down and regains a big of grip (which does happen twice.) Grunt to yourself now - did your mouth move? No. It's not a word, just a noise. Mrgphf.
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whoami writes:
It is a definite slip up, I have seen it both in Spanish and English. In the Spanish version everything is in Spanish except the first word but it is scar not brother.
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Fennec writes:
I've seen this movie literally about a hundred times, and I always thought it was just a sort of grunting sound he was making as he was struggling there. It sounds to me like "Bruh", not said in his normal speaking voice but more a high-pitched grunt, right before he says "Brother". I find it unlikely that James Earl Jones would lose his place where he was reading or something, though I guess it is possible.. but even if that is him saying "Brother", I wouldn't think they would leave the sound of it there as it was so noticable.. they would edit it out or something if it wasn't supposed to be there.. unless they just thought that everyone would think it was a "Bruh" grunt, like I do. :)
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Kura writes:
I agree with Fennex on this one...I think it was just a high-pitched grunt...I listened to it carefully just a few minutes ago, with the volume turned up and my ear near the speaker, and it definitely wasn't the word "brother".
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tiff writes:
yes, he could have forgotten his line, but did you notice that when he first was saying "brother", he slipped so he probabally stopped speaking to catch himself, and then after he kind of got his footing back he decided to finsih his sentance maybe??
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Heather1990 writes:
All of you are soooo wrong! If you watch it with subtitles/captions, you will see that he says "Uhh, brother!" And it's really obvious too. Watch it again with captions and you will be able to see.
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mikelemo writes:
It could be an echo, for effect.
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Diablo writes:
People, stop making things up... god. It's easy, Mufasa says the first "brother" then Scar says it as a whisper... Scar ment it as "Brother, you call me your borother!" He hates him if you didn't realize it...
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