1.There are three intelligent sharks.
2.When there's a storm,the sharks become angry.
3.Two sharks attack the third,killing it.
4.There are two sharks.
5.The place starts to fill with water.
6.One shark chases the cook into the kitchen and into an oven.
7.The shark accidentally turns the gas in the oven on...
8....and gets stuck in the oven.
9.The cook escapes from the oven,lights his lighter,and throws it at the oven.
10.The gas sets on fire,blowing the shark into tiny pieces.
11.Only one shark to go...
12....but what's this?
13.Later on,when the people start climbing up to the surface level,and the water level rises,there are TWO sharks in the water!
14.After this,the other girl fries the other shark with electricity...
15....and in the end,the remaining shark gets blown to bits,spreading blood everywhere.