In this episode, when the eight digi destine face puppetmon they get defeated and turn to "in-training" digimon. But in the next scene with Piedmon they are automatically rookies!!!!
If I remember correctly, not all of the digimon went back to in-training. Angewomon went back to Gatomon, Patamon was still Patamon, Weregarurumon went back to Gabumon and Metalgreymon went back to Agumon. I don't think the others are shown as rookies in that scene.
hey! I hate these speed stuff, like that time in season two when shurimon vs. digitamamon, T.K. and Kari went off to find digitamamon, the egg came back by him self with a dark ring in him, and between this and when shurimon told nefertimon and pegasusmon to trap egg head with golden nuse, it didn't show that the two kids had came back, where did they come from???