In "Yesterday's Enterprise",when the Enterprise-D and C are being attacked by the Klingons for the second time,Ensign Crusher says "Three K'Vort class battle cruisers off the starboard bowel." But then, you cut to the ships being attacked, and you can see that they are B'Pel class Bird-Of-Preys,and that the wings are up. B-O-P's always attack with the wings down in attack mode.
Since this took place in an altered timeline, maybe the class names of the ships are diffent in this new time line. Also accurding to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, there are sevral clases of B.O.Ps that have the same disign but diffent names. Its just their size that makes the differnce.
1) There is no such thing as a B'Pel class Bird-Of-Prey, it's B'Rel class.
2) I quote from the Star Trek Encyclopaedia:
K'Vort-class Battle Cruiser - Large version of the Klingon Bird-Of-Prey ship. Three of these vessels arrived and surrounded the starships Enterprise C and D in the episode Yesterday's Enterprise.
I hereby submit that this is not a slip-up. Not at all.