Seinfeld - Another Mistake in the "Little Jerry Episode"
After Jerry hears Little Jerry crow in the morning, he tells Kramer that Little Jerry is not a chicken, but a rooster. The word 'chicken' was misused. A rooster is a male chicken and a hen in a female. The word 'chicken' can refer to either gender. The correct statement would be: "That's not a rooster, it's a hen."
Well, on the commercial for some cereal-I forgot the kind it was-it shows some guy trying to milk a bull. And then this lady inside the house sees him and says to some guy, "Are you gonna tell him that that is a boy cow?" How can it be a boy cow when cows are women cattle. DUH! It's similar to the hen chicken thing so get over it.
Uh, Cynthia...if I say that you are a human, does that mean that you are inherently female? Cow and chicken refer to the genus of the animal. If you say "boy human", you are not wrong. You are also not wrong if you say "boy cow" or "boy chicken". DUH!