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Green Mile,The - Percy and the Strait Jacket
In Chapter Two of "Coffey On The Mile" Paul Edgecomb rips the tape off of Percy's mouth. Percy rubs his lips,then lowers his hand to demand release while still strapped in the straitjacket with his arms behind him.
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Special Requirements: "Coffey On The MIle" Part 6 of "The Green Mile" by Stephen King
Contributed By: Aurora on 05-01-2000 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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smpcomics writes:
Ah, indeed this is a real slip-up. It may have been edited for when the six chapbooks were published as a single book, but if you read the original release, it says: "I reached up, grabbed the runner he'd worked loose, and gave it a hard yank. It made a loud peeling sound. Brutal winced. Percy yipped with pain and began rubbing his lips. He tried to speak, realized he couldn't do it with a hand over his mouth, and lowered it. 'Get me out of this nut-coat, you lagoon!' he spat."
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Drakmyth writes:
There are two versions of the book. The original was a six-part mini-series type thing in which Percy rubbed his lips. The remake was a single book in which Percy let his eyes water.
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Gordon Freeman writes:
In the version where it's in only one book, Stephen King wrote in the Forward that he had changed that part so that Percy no longer reaches up.
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Tom Servo writes:
I stand corrected! Sorry!
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**Echo** writes:
I thought that all of Stephen Kings Novels took place in Maine.
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deadgrrl writes:
Actually, while a large part of King's books take place in Maine, not all do by a long shot. The Shining takes place in Colorado, Christine in Pennsylvania, The Regulators in Ohio, Desperation in Nevada, Drawing of the Three in New York (for the most part), etc.
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Tom Servo writes:
This is false!! The book says, and I quote, "I reached up, grabbed the end of the runner he'd worked loose, and gave it a hard yank. It made a loud peeling sound. Brutal winced. Percy yipped with pain and his eyes watered. 'Let me out of this nut coat, you lugoon,' he spat." Not anywhere does it say that he rubed his lips before demanding to be let out of the straitjacket. Sorry!!
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