When the chest for the book of the dead is discovered, the Egyptologist says:"El moot maktoub ala el gamee." He's reading the heirogliphics but speaking in Arabic... nobody can speak in Ancient Egyptian. One other thing, his accent is really lousy, and all of the other Arabic in the movie is VERY POORLY pronounced.
Well, If you listen to the commentary ,You'll hear what Steven Sommers thinks about the Arab extras that featured in his movie and their acting ability...
The movie-goers just want to hear some language they wouldn't often hear. What do they care if it's egyptian or arabic? in school you only really learn french, spanish, or latin.
Number one, Dina, did you really expect the script writers to find out *real* ancient Egyptian for the movie? Number two, Indiana Chris, what did the guy say about the Arab extras...?
He didn't say anything racist, I'm sure that wasn't his intention...
but he did comment that they couldn't act, they kept looking at the cameras.
If their accents are shonky then this is probably due to the lack of extras agencies in Tunisia or acting training...
Skyler, don't take stuff so personally, Steve Sommers just thought the extras sucked, he didn't care what race they were...
and as an arab, neither do I. They were bad actors...
Well actually the language Arabic has many different ways of speaking it. The Egypian way is different than the others so it may not sound like the one your used to...