Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - The Cooperative Ceiling Fan
In the scene where Indiana Jones fights with an assasin in this room, the ceiling fan is initially shown turned off. Indiana finally wins the struggle by lassoing his whip around the assasin's neck and then throwing up the other end to the ceiling fan. The ceiling fan (now rotating) takes up the end of the whip and lifts the assasin thereby strangling him.
No, Indy tells Shorty to turn the fan off, after the guy is up there for a few seconds. It wouldn't make any sense if they stopped during fighting so Indy could tell Short Round to turn on the fan!
First of all. What ceiling fan do you know of that is nearly strong enough to pull up a grown adult. I was a pretty destructive kid and hung off a ceiling fan, it stopped dead and I ripped it right down. Are these ceiling fans diesel powered and supported by I-Beams or something?