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Milo and Ottis - Speedy Cleanup
Okay, go to the part in the movie where Ottis is romping through the mud with the "evil birds". When he gets out if the mud, his legs are all dirty from being in it. Seconds later, Ottis is running around with CLEAN LEGS!!! This just adds to the greatness to the film!
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Rated 4.3/10 (62 ratings) Your opinion?
Special Requirements: A copy of this great movie
Contributed By: Hip and cool girlie! on 04-27-2000 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Tony Gies writes:
I noticed this because my sister will occasionaly (sp?) put it on... Then watch it again... And again... 5 times a day, for 6 straight days. I am now offically sick of that movie. I used to like it when I was 4,5,6 years old, but it now annoys me greatly.
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Tony Gies writes:
BTW, Otis has 1 "t"! I would know, because, well, see above.
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