When frank drives his car off the bridge and
into the river, he uses his phone as his car
fills up with water. Then after his car fully
submerges deep into the river, he uses an orange
bag from his trunk and the air in his tires to
resurface his car kind of like a life jacket.
After he gets his car towed out of the river by a
tractor, he does a little work under the hood
with some small tools(wrenches, pliers, whatever)
and the car starts with no problem.
From personal experience, his phone would have
broke from the slightest bit of water, and his
motor would have locked up completely. He would
need a completely new motor. A completely new car.
I have broken phones just from steam getting in
them, and I have had my truck's motor lock up
on me and the water only came up to my bumper.
(was mudding; now need a whole new motor)
No way his car would have started..