In the DP episode, "Mystery Meat", the characters Sam and Tucker are arguing over what should be served on the school cafeteria lunch menu. Sam refers to herself throughout the series as an "Ultra-Recyclable-Vegetarian". This term does not exactly make sense, but I think the point of it was to show fans that this teenage girl is trying to be unique ~ with a strong voice and an identity of a person who basically eats nothing with a face. Tucker; however, is a mega-meat eater. He prides himself on the fact that he is a "meat conniseur" ~ "14 years strong", and he can actually identify the last meat item you have eaten just by sniffing you. Silly of course ~ but it is a cartoon after all. So to the point! Tucker decides that after Sam had convinced the school board to try out a vegetarian menu, that he would protest in order to get meat back. So in turn, Sam too protests. Both protests are held out front of the school. While Tucker and his meat lovers have a larger than life protest, with many, many fans, Sam does have a few folks of her own who yell together; "VEGGIES, NOW! VEGGIES, FOREVER!!!" And in true protest fashion, folks are holding up signs. A bunch of peace loving hippes in Sam's court are holding signs thatread such things as "Give Peas A Chance", "It's Easy Being Green", Veggies, Veggies, Veggies" and so on. However, there is one hippy in her crowd who is holding a sign thatreads "Give Meat A Chance". It is a hippy, like the others, yelling out the "VEGGIES NOW" chant also with the others. So I do not thinki it was put in as a joke. And unless you have Tivo or some sort of DDR device, you would miss it. The camera scans past this group too fast for you to read each sign. So in my opinion, it is a slip-up. Actually, it is amazing the goofs you can find with the magic of Tivo!