During the storyline when Karen is kidnapped by Phil Harbert, there are two occasions when Mack's shirts magically change. The first is when he's talking to Ben about not wanting to have any publicity on her kidnapping. They're standing in the Mackenzie living room, and Mack is wearing a long-sleeved, loose-fitting, purple shirt. Ben suggests they get some air and Mack follows him outside. When they cut to outside, Mack is wearing a short-sleeved, tight, black shirt.
An episode or two later, Mack is lying in bed thinking about Karen, they continually flash between him and Karen. He's not wearing any shirt at all at first, then there is a flashback to Mack and Anne when they were young. When they cut back to Mack in the present day, he rolls over to Karen's side of the bed and smells her pillow. Now he's wearing a white T-shirt.
Apparently, Mack's worry about his wife causes his shirts to spontaneously change.