In the episode "One Krabs Trash" Mr. Krabs attempts to start an antique business with trash from a trash can. He sells Spongebob a 'Novelty' Drink Hat for $10 but is later informed that the hat is worth 1 Million Dollars, so he decides to attempt 'scaring' it off of him. He convinces Spongebob that the hat is cursed and belongs to the deceased "Smitty Werbenyaegermanjenson." (This is where you have to remember the deceased's name) Spongebob goes off to a cemetary to bury the hat with Smitty and informs Mr. Krabs of it, so he goes off to dig it back up. He searches the tombstones and finally finds Smitty's tombstone. The name on the gravestone reads "Smitty Werbenmanjenson." Notice that his last name is different then the one Mr. Krabs came up with, "Werbanyaegermanjenson". The 'yaeger' part of Smitty's name is left out of the tombstone.