First off, the DVD I watched was the "Explosive Extended Edition.
So, IN that extended version, you get a choice to watch the theatrical, which I will do net to see if it's there as well) because this time it was the extended version this slip was found in.
In the scene where Bourne makes an escape by "riding" one of the "bad guys" down the stair shaft.
He loads a clip into his pistol, beats the rails out with the dead guy, and half-way sown the shaft, he fires one... that's right ONE shot, and kills another guy who was coming up the stairs.
Bourne and the "floater" hit the floor.
The dust settles...
Bourse rolls over, pistol in hand and........
Pops out an empty clip, and reloads.
MOST handguns like that can fire (usually) 9 shots. What happened to the other 8 shots in the clip he loaded before he "fell"?