The name printed in Bourne's Russian passport is something amazing.
1. "Foma Kiniaev" is written in Russian letters as "Ащьф Лштшфум". This unpronounceable nonsense is not transliteration but the result of simply changing keyboard layout to Russian and just striking English keys F, O, M, A, K, I, etcetera.
2. "Foma" is a very rare name in modern Russia, and surname "Kiniaev" does not exist at all ("Kin'aev" does exist but is quite rare, too). It's funny for a spy to have such uncommon name.
3. The field "Имя / Name" in Russian passport contains not only the first name, but also patronymic name (in Russian). In Bourne's document we see only one word.
4. The Bourne's Place of Birth is "Moscou" instead of correct "Moscow". French was used in Soviet passports, but in passports of Russian Federation only Russian and English are used. By the way "USSR" is written in English.
P. S. I have the screenshot but have no idea how to add it here.