In the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire. ( 52:00 minutes ). Mrs. Doubtfire walks into the living room, and says "Allright Everyone,It's time to expand your minds(Turns the TV off),It's homework time, Okay?". And the oldest girl (????), proceeds to say "After Dick Van Dyke", and clicks the remote, turning the TV back on. Mrs. Doubtfire turns it back off, and says "No, Now". The Girl says "No", and then clicks the remote back on, and proceeds to say "We always watch Dick Van Dyke". and then Mrs. Doubtfire says "Well, not anymore, The only thing you'll be watching is deep CNN". And the TV is OFF ( No Volume, No Talking )...The last time I checked, a TV doesn't turn itself off, just because the remote was tossed into the water!!!