When Eddie wraps the rope around the dead tree trunk, he fastens it by hooking the clip on the end of the rope to the rope. He then tosses the other end to Ian, Nick, and Sarah. About a minute later, the vew goes back to the rope, but the rope is no longer connected by a clip. It is now fastened by a knot that is slowly coming undone.
Also, you forgot to mention that after the rope finally slipped and the three fell and grabbed onto where the window was, Ian Malcolm's legs were being suspended. He was almost horizontal, when we all know that gravity would've made him vertical.
Also, after the rope slipped, Eddie noticed, so he went back to re-tie it. The knot had slipped loose, yet he just hooked it back up? How could've this been possible if the knot came loose? There shouldn't have been a hook!!! If the knot slipped, the hook would've fallen off!!