In the episode when Steve and Stefan propose to Laura they both have romanitic flashbacks to privious episodes. Steve's flashback was to when Laura and him were husband and wife in a school prodject. young Steve gives laura a ring for a present and she doesn't accept it. When he proposes to her he says "I held onto this ring, in hopes that one day you would accept it." If you watch the flashback episode, at the end of the episode (It is a small scene but important to the story line) carl gives harriette a ring and says that he bought it off of Steve. You can tell it is the same ring that Steve wanted to give to Laura but she didn't accept it because Carl says that he cheated Steve out of the ring because he only got it for $1000 and earlier steve had told Laura that the ring had cost $800. (A small joke in the episode) This may not seem that big of a deal but for pete's sake, they picked this flashback and ring for steve's proposal! The part that many fans of the show had been waiting for for years!