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The Passion of the Christ - Historically Accurate?
Mel Gibson kept insisting, before the movie's release, that it was historically accurate.
However, there is a character in the film who has hallucinations of demons. He tells this to no one during the course of the movie, and later dies.
How is it historically accurate that this man had hallucinations if he didn't tell anyone about them?
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Contributed By: Anonymous on 10-22-2007 and Reviewed By: Pete, Heather1990
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Super Freddy writes:
First off, the guy's name is Judas. Second, this is an example of Gibson using artistic license. Much of the movie is not necessarily found in the Bible or other sources, but as many directors do, they create scenes to emphasize some point. In this case, the hallucinations were meant to represent Judas' conscience eating away at him, which is indeed mentioned in the Bible. As far as the historical accuracy of the entire movie goes, I cannot say. But this is not a good example of historical inaccuracy.
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