both et and klingons (sp?) appear in the galactic senate. both of which have appeared in our galaxy in the movie world. i agree the star wars galaxy can't be that far away.
A galaxy far far away would be refering to a galaxy removed from the point of origin. Since that is how the movie begins... I would hazard a guess that it would not be our galaxy, since this is where the story is told. If the movie began "A long time ago, in our galaxy..." I would tend to agree with you; however, your thinking ("A galaxy is millons and billons of stars, so it may be our galaxy") is circular in nature, and makes little sense given how the movie starts out. It makes little difference that a galaxy is made up of millions and billions of stars, given that the movie takes place "far far away..."
The bottom line though is Lucas is creating an alternate universe on earth and everything that he does and creates should be applauded. He has made me as well as children at heart have flashbacks to when they saw those yellow words glide into the heavens when ANH came out in the mid 70s. I love the story and it is just that...a story...and a very good one.
When I went to the movies with my wife and best friend and his wife to see TPM, my friend and myself were delirious with delight for the movie to begin. My wife and his wife just laughed at us when we both started crying when those words peeled off into space and the music started. Lucas has created in his SW saga a time machine to the child that is in us all... bless him for what he has done. When I look for things in this movie or the trilogy it is out of love for the story. Occasionally viewers find little slip ups, and easter eggs, and earthly objects used to tell the story, whether an E.T. a woman's razor, or a constellation that should not be there(or should). It does not detract from the message that he is delivering. Those things only enhance the presentation as far as I am concerned.
And as for Darth Mauls' comment on it being an easter egg, after I bought my copy and found it I tried putting it up on the egg sight, but it was rejected as were many of my easter eggs... so I figured it was a slip up... and this is where it went... I just feel fortunate to have caught it because I thought it was cool.
May the force be with you...
[email protected]
I think it is made pretty clear in the Star Wars movies that Earth and our solar system and galaxy do NOT exist in this world, even far, far away. How else would they know our language? How else would they look exactly the same as us? So since Earth and it's related heavenly bodies do not even exist in this universe, then our views of space could be theirs instead, just as our species and our language is theirs instead.
A little thought about this galaxy. . .
These people seem to advance their technology much more quickly than we do. A long time ago, they were already traveling at light speed and working with aliens. Not that it's impossible.
First of all, George Lucas is a writer, he can create any kind of universe that he wants to create. Secondly, just because it is a "galaxy far far away" does not mean that he meant it to be a galaxy far far away from the earth and its galaxy. All it means is that he is weaving a tale, and it is very hard for most humans to envision something beyond our own galaxy as a starting point for rational thought, whether it be based on science-fiction or any genre of writing.
I agree. Our galaxy is made up of billions of stars. Isn't it possible, if it were real at all, that it could be here with us? Our satellites can only detect 9 planets. Who says there's no more? :)
Actually about the fact that they speak english. That is only what we are seeing so that we know what is going on. Really they could be speaking in some strange or really weird language which has been dubbed over for our viewing pleasure. As proof you'll notice that english only appears written in one spot in all the movies and that is in the Death Star when Obi Wan goes to shut down the Tractor Beam. Next to the Tractor Beam the words "Tractor Beam" are written in english. According to George they put this in english so the audience wouldn't be confused about what Ben was actually deactivating.