Spongebob Squarepants - Sweat or Not , Ring or Not ,Furniture or Not
In the episode when Patrick has a secret box he starts laughing so hard about whats in the box that he starts to sweat then thay show him again and the sweat is gone! Then how come you never see there best friend forever rings do they just appear? in some episodes Patrick has furniture in some he doesnt in some he just has a bed! WEIRD
i think that if they had the friendship rings in every episode it would ruin the humor of certain episodes in which theyre brought up. as far as the sweat goes, i think thats nit-picking. and the furniture i will say is more of a slipup because its not consistant in each episode. i remember an episode where spongebob had to sleep at patricks and they curled up under the rock like it was a blanket. i thought pat had a bed??