Actually, this is not true. There is a point during the long shot of Janet Leigh when Hitchcock cuts to another shot of the shower head, supposedly because she blinked, not swallowed. Neither a blink nor a swallow is in the movie, however!
Yes, I have heard all sorts of things about the dead Marion Crane, everything from she breathes to she swallows to she blinks. But none of it is true. I have seen this movie many many many times and she never does any of these things.
This scene is a still photograph of Janet Leigh.
Before the film was released, Mrs. Hitchcock (Alfred's wife)
noticed that Janet's eyelash moved.
This scene is NOT a still photograph. I have read numerous books on Psycho. One by Janet Leigh herself. She actually laid still for that scene. Read her book if you don't believe me. I think she would know. She was there.
Yes, it IS a still. She has water on her face from the shower. You may notice that said drops of water don't move at all. If it wasn't a still shot, the water would have rolled off her face and hair most likely.
She doesn't blink and she doesn't swallow. She inhales (takes a breath). You can't see it in her face but when the camera shows her body slumped over the side of the tub look closely at her upper torso, it moves slightly. If you watch the special edition DVD of the movie there is an interview with Hitchcocks daughter and she tells the story of how her mother noticed it when Hitchcock first showed his wife the movie.
This scene is not a still photograph. Watch Marion's forehead closely and you'll see a drop of water fall from her hair. Right after the water drips from her hair, look closely at her neck and you'll see her swollow.