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Red Dwarf - Spare Hand in the Inquisitor
In the last scene of The Inquisitor, Lister tries to joke with Kryten by saying "I can give you 15" and holding a severed hand in between his own. The hand was from the replacement Kryten (after he was blown up) who emerged along with the replacement Lister after they were banished from history. When Lister destroyed the Inquisitor he also wiped all effects from his actions whilst on red dwarf, meaning the Cat and Rimmer came back to life and everything that had happened was erased. If this is so how could he still have the severed hand as it to would of been erased from existence?
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Special Requirements: Last scene of the Inquisitor
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-20-2006 and Reviewed By: marvelguy101, MaryK
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Camo writes:
Could be that the timeline hadn't fully repaired itself yet, and the hand was left in existence just long enough for Lister to make that joke.
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Vora writes:
Also, I've noticed that it's usually a standard in SciFi of all types dealing with timelines/alternate realities/messing with history that those who *create* the changes are not only immune from the paradox, but are also the only ones aware of the differences because they are the ones that make them possible. Usually I've noticed, this "bubble of protection" also extends to the person's clothing and personal effects- like the things in their pockets, etc. I just figured that this was the case with the hand: it was in Lister's jacket during the shift in reality when he and Kryten effected the change in the timeline and so, was left just as unaffected as they were.
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