If you'll watch the scene where Cinderella and the prince were in the woods and she had climbed up the tree, check out her shoes. If I'm not mistaken, are those bright aqua blue Keds she's wearing under that long gown? She's still wearing them when they got attacked by bandits and she had to carry the prince home!
I don't know how you can say this, because I only got one short look at her shoes in this scene, and while they looked blue, I couldn't see them very well. You also say that she wears them the rest of the scene. Guess what! I watched this scene, and there is only ONE shot with her shoes in it, and that is near the beginning. I'm not sure where you got the idea she was wearing bright blue Keds.
In this scene, when she comes out from behind the dressing thing, she's holding the blue shoes i think. Even if she's not holding them she distinctly says the shoes don't fit, referring to the blue ones