Memoirs of an Invisible Man - Reflection in Store Glass at Night
When Chevy's character is supposed to be invisible he approaches a closed store at night and his reflection in the glass should have been eliminated. Sorry I don't remember what part of the movie this happened.
This could have been done by the directors for the purpose of visual effect. (So you can see what he is doing). Occassionally on cartoons, if a character is invisible, there is a dotted line around him/her. This is so the viewer doesn't say; im confused, where is he/she, what is he/she doing? Now, in hollowman, the special effects have been improved to the point where you can tell the invisible guy's expresions by the clothes's own movements. You cannot however in this film made about 20 years ago. So it might be just to see the character's expressions during his invisiblity.
It might be an error but keep in mind we're seeing Chase's character ourselves (we often see him visible when he is actually invisible). As such, why is it any more unrealistic that we the audience see his reflection?