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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - A Helping Hand....Well Finger.
About halfway through the movie when Sulu is piloting the helicopter over the bay with the plexi-glass underneath, he accidentally turns on the windscreen wiper. Look carefully at the bottom of the wiper. You can clearly see a finger moving the blade. This Slip-Up is mentioned in the 'text-commentary' on the special edition dvd. If you have trouble finding it, its in scene 13 at aproxx. 1 hour, 19 mins, 10 secs.
Visual Proof! See the examples below and post your pictures too.
The Finger The Finger - Magnified
The Finger The Finger - Magnified
Rated 8.3/10 (9 ratings) Your opinion?
Special Requirements: a widescreen version of the movie; DVD
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-09-2006 and Reviewed By: David Wolf
If something isn't right, please Correct this Slip-Up

ConanaBanana02 writes:
for what reason would they need to manually do the wipers?? lol. seems like a simple mechanical thing would have worked but whatever. nice find.
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Rowie235 writes:
Hey. I posted this slip up before I registered. It says in the text commontary (I think), that the wipers were broken, and a crew member had to move it.
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Gary Lynch writes:
Surely slipups that have been mentioned on a DVD special feature shouldn't be included in this archive. We should only spot stuff that the producers haven't
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Dan Slep writes:
No, we should post them on here as this is an Encyclopedia of slipups! The axtra commentary only serves as proof. Post about something useful jerk!
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daddeobear writes:
Gary Lynch,... Surely this is your opinion and everybody is entitled to their's... Thanks for the advice there Mr. Lynch, but I believe the site is called ""... I think that means it's a place where people come to both report, as well as read about slipups in various kinds of media... Period... I don't remember seeing a set of rules saying that slipups that were included in a DVD's "Special Features" section were not to be reported... Right ?... Thanks so much for your insight Mr. Lynch, your OPINION is duely noted...
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