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Red Dwarf - Ciggarettes and Double Holograms
When Lister says that Rimmer has hidden the ciggarettes, how is this possible, as he is a hologram.
He could have told the scutters to do it for him, but they hate Rimmer and would probably take Lister to them straight away.
Also, on the episode called Camille, where the pleasure girl turns into a female hologram, Rimmer should have realised there was something wrong instantly, as Holly cannot support two holograms at once at that point. I should point out that this is before the episode where they turn off some systems to allow for 2 holograms, which ends up in Lister having to put up with two Rimmers. Also, Holly should have detected that Camille was onboard and that she was not hologram, human or mechanoid.
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Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-01-2006 and Reviewed By: Shadow, Baby5566
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Rissa writes:
As seen in a Series One episode, Rimmer is easily able to bribe Cat to do things for him with the promise of fish. He might have used this to hide the cigarettes - Cat does subsequently act as if he has never seen the cigarettes before, but he has a short attention span. Or maybe the ship's supply of John Wayne films ran out and the Skutters had nothing better to do. Rimmer's mental alarm bells didn't ring on the female hologram because he was too shell-shocked by the idea of meeting a woman he might actually have a chance with. As for Holly... s/he just isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.
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jellyspider writes:
Actually, Confidence + Paranoia (the episode where Lister + Holly set up the 'two-Hologram system') is at the end of the first series, way before 'Camille'. Also, when Lister is talking about the Holodiscs, he says Rimmer would've had to have used the skutters to hide them - Presumably Rimmer used the skutters to hide the cigarettes too.
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Camo writes:
Rimmer used the skutters to hide the ciggerettes, they may hate Rimmer, but they do have to do what he tells them to.
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Vora writes:
Another thought about "Camille." Don't forget that when a hologram is outside of their ship, they are projected by a lightbee that while it has does many hassles that don't seem to appear on the show, are, at least mentioned by Kryten in "Rimmerworld" when he advises that Rimmer spend more downtime recharging and more time in his softlight body. Presumably, this means that though the lightbee is limited, it is a strictly self-contained system. This means Holly didn't have to support anything. Also, Camille herself, being a pleasure Gelf, appears to everyone and everything as precisely what they desire. Holly couldn't see the Gelf at all bacause the "screen was foggy" leading at least myself to the conclusion that Camille's effect as a pleasure Gelf extends even to AI's, which means that she wouldn't register to Holly as a threat or as anything more unusual then an extremely sexy whatever. Lastly, to head off anyone making comments that the thought of an AI falling for a living being may seem preposterous even for Red Dwarf- don't forget that Ace Rimmer's ship was in love with *him* too- at least, that is the case according to the behind-the-scenes featurettes. Anyway, those are just my thoughts:)
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