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Phantom Tollbooth, The - Wrong Mathamatics
On page 188, (hard cover) the Mathemagician writes down an equation that reads:
(/=division.) Then Milo says the equation equals 0 and the Mathemagician agrees. But, when you actually solve the equation using the order of operations it comes to about -47. (and some random numbers). Well, i thought the Mathemagician was the "all-knower" of math, why is the answer to the equation not what the Mathemagician says? Hmm...
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Rated 6.9/10 (42 ratings) Your opinion?
Special Requirements: The book, your eyes, your brain, maybe your calculator
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-12-2005 and Reviewed By: Shadow, Perky Pippin
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Be Christian writes:
Yep. -47.600...
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NoOneInParticular writes:
Well, if you don't use order of operations and instead go unit by unit, the answer turns out to be 0. I'm not saying that's proper math, but it's not entirely wrong.
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Fannie Fairfax writes:
How did you arrive at “zero” for the Math problem on p. 188?
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Perfect Tommy writes:
I remember reading this book as a boy. I remember doing the mathematical equation you specify. Guess what? It came out to zero just as Milo and the Mathemagician said. It came out that way back then and it came out that way when I did it now.
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