Spongebob Squarepants Movie, The - Mr Krabs Swears!
When Spongebob inadvertently goes up on stage to accept his non-existant promotion and Mr. Krabs is whispering stuff in his ear, you can distictly hear Mr. Krabs say "Jackass" 3 times.
This happens all the time in movies. It's called submliminal messaging. And besides movies, it happens in songs, magazine ads, you name it! You should look it up. You'd be surprized about how much sub messaging is out there!
First, Not a slipup. Second not subliminal. Subliminal means you can't hear it on normal play. This you can hear. This is just annoying and stupid and I wish it would stop happening in childrens movies.
What really shocked me was in one episode of the childrens show Robotboy, Bjorn Bjornson called Professor Moshimo a jackass, and this wan't any easter egg. This was said loud and clear.